Singing Guide: The Joystrings

Singing Guide: The Joystrings

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Joystrings: How to Sing Like Them

The Joystrings were a British band formed in the 1960s and were known for innovating the pop music scene. They were the first Christian band to ever appear on television and their songs were known for their innovative composition and unique vocal technique. This article will teach you how to emulate the vocal technique of the Joystrings- highlighting their unique sound and incorporating practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources.

The Joystrings' signature sound came from their unique blend of pop, folk, and gospel music styles. They combined these different genres to create a harmonious and distinct sound that was unlike any other band of their time. To learn how to sing like the Joystrings, it's important to understand the various elements that make up their unique vocal technique.

  1. The Joystrings utilized a lot of harmonies in their songs. To perfect your harmonies, it's important to first identify your voice type. Check out Singing Carrots' article on voice types to determine your voice classification.
  2. The Joystrings incorporated call and response elements in their songs. This technique involves singing a phrase and then having other singers respond with a complementary phrase. Singing Carrots' article on articulation provides guidance on how to master this singing technique.
  3. The Joystrings utilized a lot of vibrato in their singing. Vibrato is a technique where vocalists vary their pitch and tone rapidly to create a unique sound. Check out Singing Carrots' video on how to sing with vibrato to hone this technique.
  4. The Joystrings used what is known as the "closed" technique of singing, which involves supporting your voice with breath from the diaphragm. Singing Carrots' article on breath support can help you perfect this technique.
  5. Finally, the Joystrings emphasized diction and enunciation in their songs. To achieve this, it's important to open up your mouth and throat while singing, which reduces constriction and helps with diction. Singing Carrots' article on open mouth and throat singing provides additional guidance on this technique.

To practice your Joystrings vocal technique, start with Singing Carrots' Twang Exercise, which helps with call and response elements, and the Farinelli Breathing exercise to perfect breath support. Once you feel comfortable with these techniques, move on to the vibrato exercises, which can be found in Singing Carrots' video library. Finally, practice singing along with the Joystrings' songs like "It's an Open Secret" and "Be Happy" to perfect your vocal technique.

Incorporating these exercises and techniques into your singing routine can help you learn how to sing like the Joystrings. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training is also a great resource to further develop your singing skills and incorporate new techniques into your repertoire. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.